Archive for September, 2020

Behind the Scenes: Why So Much Information is Asked to Get a Quote

September 29th, 2020 by Jennifer Frankel

Now is the time when many schools are looking to evaluate their group insurance options. There is often a lot of confusion about the process and what you actually need to provide to get a new quote. You may ask yourself, why are they asking for my current brochure? Why do they need to know […]

Back to School

September 4th, 2020 by Elaine Del Rossi

As students and faculty make decisions about returning to campuses this Fall, many bring with them concerns-mainly health safety and financial. Many families have faced financial hardships and money that was earmarked for student’s college education, in many cases, have been diverted to support or supplement basic everyday needs. Many students for either safety or financial […]

Medical Debt: Helping Your International Students

September 2nd, 2020 by Yessica Pacheco

Healthcare became the topic of almost every conversation overnight thanks to the current pandemic. In the US, it brought up painful reminders about the health and safety of the international community and the healthcare system as a whole.  As someone living in the US, medical debt is not uncommon. In fact, according to a study […]

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