Claims Submission

If you've paid for your medical services or prescription medication out of pocket, or if you've received an invoice for your services, you'll need to submit the receipt or invoice, and complete a claims form for reimbursement.

Online Claims Submission

To submit your claim online through your Cigna Envoy Account, please follow the steps below:

  • Go to
  • Select "I am an International Traveller" from the "I am a Customer" box
  • Enter the username and password provided to you by your school.
  • Select "Online Claims" on the navigational toolbar at the top of the page.

Claim Form Submission

You can complete a Claim Form and submit this to Cigna via fax or mail:

  • Complete the Claim Form
  • Submit the Claim Form and any invoices and receipts you’ve received for your treatment to Cigna directly.
    • Fax: 1.800.243.6998
    • Mail: P.O. Box 15111
      Wilmington, DE 19850, USA

Claim Status

If you would like to find out the status of a claim, you can contact Cigna directly by calling their Customer Care team at:
  • Outside of the US: 001.302.246.3059
  • From the US: (855)319-2412

How Claims are Processed

If you go to an in-network provider that accepts direct billing to Cigna:

  1. Before getting treatment, call Cigna's Customer Care Team.
  2. If it's an emergency and you can’t call before treatment, contact Cigna in the next 48 hours.
  3. In most cases Cigna will pay your hospital, clinic or medical practitioner directly.
  4. If your plan has a deductible and/or cost share option, you pay this amount directly to your hospital, clinic or medical practitioner and Cigna will pay the rest.

If you go to a provider and you are given an invoice, but not required to pay out of pocket:

  1. If your hospital, clinic or medical practitioner gives you an invoice, submit your invoice and claims form to Cigna.
  2. They will reimburse your hospital, clinic or medical practitioner (less your applicable deductible and/ or cost share option)

If you go to a provider and you are required to pay out of pocket:

  1. If you've paid your hospital, clinic or medical practitioner yourself, submit your invoice, receipts, and claim form to Cigna.
  2. They will reimburse you (less your applicable deductible and/or cost share option)

Cigna aims to process your claim within 5 working days after receiving all necessary documentation. If you need assistance with the claims process, please contact us directly.

Group Zone

Learn more about using and managing your international insurance plan:
Medical & Travel Assistance:

Toll Free: (855) 319-2412
Outside of the US: (302) 746-3059

Non-Emergency Contact:

For any non-emergency support issues, please either call using the numbers above or contact us via email.

International Student Insurance
224 First Street
Neptune Beach, FL 32266 USA

international student insurance partners

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