When seeking in-person medical treatment, we suggest using your plans network to find doctors in your area. Inside the United States, your plan uses the UnitedHealthcare network and outside of the United States, you’ll have access to IMG’s international provider network.
You can start your search for doctors in your area below:
Your insurance plan includes Teladoc when you are in the United States — allowing you to meet with a doctor via phone, web, or mobile app. There is no charge to use the service, and your insurance deductible is waived when using Teladoc. This should be your first choice when seeking treatment for non-emergency conditions.
Learn more about the program by reading this printable PDF and our Teledoc page. Sign up today to receive immediate medical treatment.Mental Health Doctors
If your plan includes mental health coverage and you need to seek care, please use this link or contact IMG for help finding a local mental health provider at +1 (855) 731-9445 (extension 3).Pre-Certification
There are a number of services that require pre-certification, such as a surgery, emergency evacuation, emergency reunion and any hospital admissions. Please see your certificate for full details and make sure to call the number on your insurance ID card within 48 hours or as soon as possible or there will be a reduction in benefits.
USA Toll Free (855) 731-9445
USA Direct +1 (317) 927-6806