Columbia Theological Seminary | Doctor/Hospital Search

If you need to find a nearby doctor, hospital or clinic, please use the online search tool.

The Blue Cross and Blue Shield network is one of the most extensive PPO networks throughout the US. If you go to a doctor, clinic or hospital in the network, you will receive discounted rates and the insurance company will pay your doctor directly. It is therefore advised that you stay within the network wherever possible - however you still have the option to choose where you seek care.

For non-emergency care, you can seek treatment at the student health center, doctor’s office, urgent care center or clinic or through Global TeleMD. For emergency care, please go directly to the nearest hospital or emergency room. To learn more about where to go, please see the Getting Medical Treatment section.

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US: (844) 268-2686

Intl: +1 (610) 263-2847

Rx: +1 (800) 788-2910


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Neptune Beach, FL 32266 USA

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